Way of The Superior Man
by David Deida

  • Relationships
  • Ashto = 5/10
  • Jonesy = 7/10
Book The Way of The Superior Man

The Way of the Superior Man: A Spiritual Guide to Mastering the Challenges of Women, Work and Sexual Desire – by David Deida

The Way of the Superior Man was certainly an interesting read. The contention of the book is that everyone is made up of both masculine and feminine qualities, but most of us lean towards one more than the other. This is a book for the ‘masculine’ person, be that male or female, gay or straight. It takes us through how to become a ‘superior man’ and how the masculine should act and guide their more feminine partner. We don’t agree with everything, but there’s a lot of truth in this book – sometimes some uncomfortable truths.

Our favorite chapter was Chapter 46: “Ejaculate up the Spine”. Let your imagination run wild with that one, then listen to find out what the author actually meant…

Grab yourself a copy here: http://www.bookdepository.com/Way-of-the-Superior-Man-David-Deid/9781591792574/?a_aid=adamasbooks


The Way of the Superior Man (dot point) Summary

General: Polarity etc

Part One: A Man’s Way

  1. (1) Stop hoping for a completion of anything in life

Creative challenge is to tussle, play and make love with the present moment. “Do what you love to do, what you are waiting to do, what you’ve been born to do, now”

  1. (7) Purpose must become before relationship


  1. (11) If you don’t know your purpose, discover it now

“Without a conscious life-purpose, a man is totally lost, drifting and adapting to events rather than creating events. Perhaps becoming sexually impotent or prone to mechanical disinterested sex”

“The superior man is not seeking for fulfillment through work and woman because he is already full. Work and intimacy are opportunities to give his gifts


  1. (12) Be willing to change everything in your life

“A man must be prepared to give 100% to his purpose, fulfill his karma or dissolve it. Ability to enter the unknown for a new purpose to emerge. These cycles of strong specific action to not knowing what the hell is going on are natural for man”

  • As you open yourself to living on the edge, your deep purpose will make itself known. In the meantime, you will experience layer after layer of purpose, getting closer to your deepest purpose. Your life consists of penetrating each circle, from outside towards the center.
  • Fulfill one purpose on the way to another
  • When jumping into the unknown, be open to what is next. When the impulse begins to arise for the new purpose act on it.


Part Two : Dealing with woman

  1. 90% of a woman’s emotional problems stem from feeling unloved. So don’t stand back and analyze her, give her your love. Next time she is in a bad mood, try this: assume she is not feeling loved.
  2. Don’t force the feminine to make decisions


Part 3. Working with polarity and energy

  1. Your attraction to feminine is inevitable
  2. Choose a woman who is your complementary opposite

Part 4: What woman want

  1. Choose a woman who wants you
  • If a man wants a woman who doesn’t want him, he cannot win. His neediness will undermine any possible relationship, and his woman will never trust him. Once she feels your neediness, she feels that you need her more than she needs you, she won’t trust your masculine core
  1. She doesn’t really want to be number one
  • A woman seems to want to be the most important thing in her man’s life. However, if she is the most important thing, obviously his purpose is not.


Part 5: Your Dark Side

  1. You Are Always Searching for Freedom
  • Masculine is always seeking release in one way. All masculine goals, work, meditation cushion or on football field directed towards freedom.
  • One ejaculated, he has finally achieved in post ejaculative emptiness, the blissful freedom from stress has gone away. She, however, is hoping to experience love and fullness through sex, a snoring man doesn’t do it for her.
  1. She wants the killer in you

She wants you to be capable of killing. Today we have a large population of wimpy men and polite woman. But beneath the veneer of most woman is a wrathful goddess who will chop the head off a new age man.


Part 6: Turn your lust into gifts

Rather than get horny, learn to circulate that energy and use it. A superior man circulates arousal, taking care not to stagnate in swollen fantasies


Part 7: Body Practices

  1. Ejaculate up the spine

Contract the pelvic floor near the genitals and drawing energy up the spine. Sex has become a road to ejaculation. Don’t go early.

Make your belly tight and chest hard, open your belly and soften around your heart

You will be able to go for as long as you want

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