The Game
by Neil Strauss

  • Relationships
  • Ashto = 5/10
  • Jonesy = 7/10
The Game

“The Game: Penetrating the Secret Society of Pickup Artists” – by Neil Strauss

Neil Strauss had only ever had one girlfriend and slept with six girls. He rated himself physically as a 5/10 at best. He thought that some guys had it, and some guys just didn’t. Until he stumbled across the underground sub-culture of Pickup Artists. He learned the techniques, grew in confidence, and got to the point where he could seduce just about any girl that he wanted decided to write The Game.

This was a really interesting book. It’s hard to believe in some parts, but it’s real. Some techniques may be seen as evil. Most girls will say it doesn’t work on them. Don’t view this as a bible, but as an interesting insight into another world. All skills are learnable and confidence is the key. This book is a weapon, both physically and emotionally. It’s a thick 550 pages and harnessing these techniques will give you a lot of power.


The Game (dot point) Summary

Neil Straus

Meet Style

Reinvented himself to become Style

Spends too much time thinking about the woman, wants to master this to grow into different areas

Spent 500$ for a workshop with a guy called ‘Mystery’. Acknowledge defeat is not easy.

Woman breed with seduces


  • Everyone wants to be seduced, it makes us feel wanted
  • Religion is pickup (Tom Cruise), Politics is Pickup
  • Sick of being an Average Frustrated Chump. Need to get the stupid AFC thinking out of your head. Kill the AFC
  • “In life, people tend to just wait for good things to come to them. Usually what you wish for doesn’t fall into your lap; it falls somewhere nearby and you have to recognize it, get up and put in the work it takes to get it”
  • If you make something of yourself woman will flock to you. What you learn from the game is how to deal with them.
  • Being a PUA is about controlling your own state, so you do not need alcohol or drugs to get girls
  • Guys who try and sell themselves to girls doesn’t work. Make the girl try and sell herself to you. Ask her what makes her different from the crowd?
  • You need to be the prize
  • Internalize the idea that woman want sex as much as men, they just don’t want to be made out to be a slut
  • It takes roughly 7 hours for a woman to comfortably lead to sex. These 7 hours can take place in one night or several days
  • “How do you kiss a girl? You barely have to move your body to bridge the gap. But it is the hardest 3 inches a man has to move in his life. A moment where a man must concede all privileges that are his birthright; put his pride and ego on the line”
  • “In life, people tend to just wait for good things to come to them. Usually what you wish for doesn’t fall into your lap; it falls somewhere nearby and you have to recognize it, get up and put in the work it takes to get it”
  • Everyone who gets too absorbed gets depressed
  • Seduction is a dark art. Maybe super in the club but on the inside they were rotting.
  • Everyone wants to be seduced, it makes us feel wanted
  • Religion is pickup (Tom Cruise), Politics is Pickup
  • Woman respond to status and social proof

Why Not

  • Most of the sargers are social robots. They get in early and don’t have any world experience.
  • The community can take away a lot too
  • Remember that the best way to pick up a woman is to have something better to do than pick up a woman

Fear of Sexual Rejection

  • To become a PUA the biggest obstacle is to overcome the fear of sexual rejection
  • Sexual choice is in the hands of a woman
  • 3-second rule wait to get eye contact if she looks for 3 seconds then just go for it.

Step 1 – Select a Target

Step 2 – Approach and Open

Approach the girl at an angle, not direct and confrontational.

Approach hundreds of girls, get over the feat

Make it casual, no pickup intent

Step 3 – Demonstrate Value

What makes you different to the last 20 guys who approached her?

The mystery did magic, Style did magic or NLP

Peacocking. Wear at least one item that stands out. Even if it is ridiculous. Be different in some way

Do not lean into the set and show neediness. Stand straight and rock onto your back foot as if you are about to leave at any moment.

To get a woman you have to risk losing her

Never answer straight. If a woman asks what you do, “Say a cigarette lighter repairs men”

Neg her

Step 4 – Disarm the Obstacles

Pay attention to the ones who are likely to shut you out, jealous friends or males. Make them feel good about themselves as you challenge and neg the target

AMOGing- page 282

Get rid of the girl

Own the men and you own the woman

If they don’t want you to leave, you win

Step 5 – Isolate the Target

Get her on her own to speak to.

Step 6 – Create an Emotional Connection

Get to know her

Step 7 – Extract to a Seduction Location

Take her to a nice private area

Step 8 – Pump Buying Temperature

Get three IOI’s. Wait for her to ask for your name first.

Two steps forward one step back

Step 9 – Make a Physical Connection

Grab her in a non-sexual, non-threatening way

Step 10 – Blast Last Minute Resistance

Step 11 – Manage Expectations


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