David Epstein: Going wide to find your perfect career match

David Epstein

We spoke with David Epstein, author of ‘Range’ and ‘The Sports Gene’. 

Range is AA’s favourite book of 2020 so far, and we only got to scratch the surface in our book summary episode. In this interview with the author, we speak about: how you should focus on skill development rather than comparing yourself to others around you, not settling for a career you’re not in love with because you feel like you’re in a rush to achieve things quickly, and stories about how low-level engineers became world famous inventors and how creators with a broad range of practical experiences were able to produce international blockbusters. 

See more from David Epstein on his website: https://davidepstein.com/ 

Check out our favourite bits of the book ‘Range’ here: https://whatyouwilllearn.com/book/range/

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